Hello, I'm

Alex Aarmeniei
Full-stack developer
Right here

About Me


I'm a manager at Combined Precision Components (CPC) right now, but one day I made the decision to switch to an IT career, so I began the journey with IT Career Switch in 2021, where I learned new skills in research and coding.
I also receive certifications from Codecademy in Full-Stack Web Developer, Python, Java and C#.

My current areas of expertise are HTML, CSS, Javascript (jQuery, AJAX, JSON), PHP, and MySQL,as well as "Mobile First Design" and "Single Page Apps" .

Keep it simple is my motto.


Below you will find some of the skills I have gained by self learning and via IT Career Switch trainee programme.



IT Career Switch's first project.
You can use the app to traverse the world globe and acquire information about the country you've chosen. Such as airport locations, three-day weather forecasts, late news, and so on.
I used HTML, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, and other technologies to create the project. Leaflet and other APIs to populate the website.

Company Directory

The second project of IT Career Switch.
The software is a simulation of an employee database in which people, departments, and locations may be added, removed, edited, sorted, and searched. For the front end, I used HTML/CSS/JS, as well as the jQuery and Bootstrap libraries, while I handled queries with PHP. The application is based on CRUD functionality, and I utilised MySQL to manage the data.
